Toți tehnicienii noștri sunt instruiți și autorizați să facă lucrările necesare și avem experiență în lucrul cu toate modelele de echipamente.
Ne mândrim cu nivelul excepțional de servicii și satisfacții pe care le oferim fiecărui client.
Departamentul de service de bazine este disponibil pentru toate reparațiile și înlocuirea echipamentelor, precum și pentru instalarea...

Pool maintenance services to commercial properties with pools
Reliability and quality are two good reasons, but you also need a pool technician that is certified, can take on any needed repairs and renovations that may come up and knows the local “rules and regs”. Ensuring a clean environment is the goal of any pool professional, so why choose one over the other? Keep your pool clean, efficient and safe with routine pool maintenance service.
We have three plans to choose from.
Look them over and let us know which one best fits your needs.
A qualified company service technician will make one trip per week to the pool to perform the following service: vacuum, test water for correct balance,add chemicals.
Our professional team provide chemical service with vacuuming, skimming, brushing, emptying baskets and perform visual check of your pool equipment.
A qualified company service technician will perform the following service: vacuum, test water for correct balance, add chemicals and perform check of equipment.